We have a detailed understanding of the sector and its challenges in the SEE area, as well as first-rate skills in a full range of legal services tailored to businesses active in food and beverage sector.
Our team comprises dedicated lawyers who combine legal expertise with a genuine understanding of the dynamics, issues and opportunities prevalent in the food and beverage sector.
We work with clients across the food & beverage sector from ‘field to fork’, including agro-science and bio-tech companies, processors, manufacturers, supply chain logistics companies and distributors, through to supermarkets, restaurants, cafes and bars.
We advise our food & beverage clients on a full range of issues, from research and development, production, processing and brewing, packaging, bottling and labelling; through to employee issues, advertising and marketing, international expansion, brand diversification, supply chain, logistics and distribution, the use and impact of technolog, labelling and regulatory compliance, dispute resolution and avoidance.
Law firm Sibinčič Novak & Partners
Dalmatinova ulica 8
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Share capital EUR 12,000
Reg. no: 9575782000
VAT no: SI68184093
District court of Ljubljana