Our team of experts combines broad and deep knowledge of railway and sea transport industry segment, so we can creatively and efficiently solve business and legal issues and respond with clear advice.
Successful business companies must be operating on land and at sea more and more to have ever better results. This means that sooner or later regulations and limitations will stand in one company’s way. We will advise you how to operate within these regulations for maximum results.
We understand how transportation companies need to operate on a local and global scale. Our team offers a full-service to both Slovenian and international clients, supporting them on major infrastructure investment, devolution, alliancing and standing by their side during commercial litigation or restructuring. We provide advice in relation to all issues which arise in the maritime and transport industry.
In addition to traditional maritime and transport law issues, we also provide advice concerning regulatory issues, competition law, maritime aid and tax.
Law firm Sibinčič Novak & Partners
Dalmatinova ulica 8
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Share capital EUR 12,000
Reg. no: 9575782000
VAT no: SI68184093
District court of Ljubljana