The latest amendment to the Slovenian Companies Act supplemented the set of data that has to be included in the application for the first entry of a company into the register; in addition to the company name, activities, registered seat and other information specified by law, it must now (inter alia) also contain the information on the company’s e-mail address. The obligation to register the e-mail address, however, does not apply to newly established companies only, as all companies must harmonize their data in accordance with the new statutory requirement.
The company’s e-mail address is public information that will be published on the ePRS portal. It can be submitted for entry into the register in several places, namely at the SPOT point, AJPES branch or notary, by no later 24 February 2022.
Failure to comply with the obligation to enter the company’s e-mail address into the register is considered a misdemeanor for which a fine can be imposed on both the company and its responsible person. We thus suggest that you check whether all required information of your company is entered into the register and supplement it, if necessary.