Legal Notice

To sporočilo pošilja odvetniška družba ter je zaupno in ima lahko poseben pomen. Namenjeno je zgoraj navedeni osebi. Če niste želeni naslovnik, Vas prosimo, da nas o tem nemudoma obvestite in ne berete, kopirate, uporabljate ali razkrivate tega sporočila drugim ter da iz svojega sistema takoj izbrišete sporočilo in morebitne priponke.

This message is being sent from a law firm and is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for the individual named above. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately and do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to third parties and delete the message and any attachment from your system without delay.

Odvetniška družba Sibinčič Novak & Partnerji o.p. d.o.o., Vpisana v sodni register Okrožnega sodišča v Ljubljani, osnovni kapital: 10.560 EUR, davčna št.: SI68184093, matična št.: 9575782000, Transakcijski račun: UniCredit banka Slovenija d.d., IBAN: SI56 2900 0005 0786 923.

Law firm Sibinčič Novak & Partners l.f. Ltd. signed in the Court Register of District Court in Ljubljana, share capital: EUR 10.560 EUR, tax no (VAT): SI68184093, registration no.: 9575782000, Bank account: UniCredit banka Slovenija d.d., IBAN: SI56 2900 0005 0786 923.


Law firm Sibinčič Novak & Partners
Dalmatinova ulica 8
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Company information:

Share capital EUR 12,000

Reg. no: 9575782000

VAT no: SI68184093

District court of Ljubljana